LIX Legislature of the Congress of Sonora

The LIX Legislature of the Congress of Sonora met from September 2009 to September 2012. All members of the Congress were elected in the 2009 Sonora state election.

The LIX Legislature consists of 14 deputies from the National Action Party (PAN), 12 deputies from the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), 2 deputies from the Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD), 2 deputies form the Ecologist Green Party of Mexico (PVEM) and 3 deputy form the New Alliance Party.[1]


By relative majority

Name Party
Leslie Pantoja Hernández  PAN
Gerardo Figueroa Zazueta  PRI
Jesús Alberto López Quiroz  PAN
David Galindo Delgado  PAN
Moisés Ignacio Casal Díaz  PAN
Daniel Córdova Bon PANAL
María Montaño Maldonado  PAN
Ulises Cristópulos Ríos  PRI
Damián Zepeda Vidales  PAN
Carlos Heberto Rodríguez Freaner PVEM
Vicente Javier Solís Granados  PRI
Flor Ayala  PRI
Otto Claussen Iberri  PRI
Héctor Moisés Laguna Torres  PAN
Raúl Acosta Tapia  PRI
Sara Martínez de Teresa  PAN
Eloísa Flores García  PAN
Faustino Félix Chávez  PRI
Natanael Guerrero López  PRI
José Luis Germán Espinoza  PRI
Bulmaro Pacheco Moreno  PRI

Plurinominal Deputies

Name Party
José Guadalupe Curiel PRD
Marco Antonio Ramírez Wakamatzu  PRI
Roberto Ruibal Astiazarán  PRI
Alejandra López Noriega  PAN
David Galván Cázares  PAN
Reginaldo Duarte Íñigo  PAN
Félix Rafael Silva López  PAN
José Enrique Reina Lizárraga  PAN
Jorge Antonio Valdez Villanueva PANAL
Gorgonia Rosas López PRD
César Augusto Marcor Ramírez PVEM
Óscar Manuel Madero Valencia PANAL


  1. "Legislaturas anteriores". Congress of Sonora. Retrieved 16 March 2015.
Preceded by
LVIII Legislature
LVIII Legislature
September 2009 to August 2012
Succeeded by
LX Legislature
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