Vida y Escritos del Dr. José Rizal

Vida y Escritos del Dr. José Rizal

Book cover for W.E. Retana's Vida y Escritos del Dr. José Rizal.
Author W.E. Retana
Country Madrid
Language Spanish
Genre Non-fiction
Publisher Librería General de Victoriano Suárez
Publication date
Pages 512
OCLC 7568641

Vida y Escritos del Dr. José Rizal, translated as "Life and Writings of Dr. José Rizal”, is a biographical book about Philippine national hero and "Father of Filipino Nationalism"[1] José Rizal (1864-1936) written in the Spanish language by Wenceslao Emilio Retana y Gamboa (1862-1924), a 19th-century Spanish civil servant, colonial administrator, writer, publisher, bibliophile, Filipiniana collector, and Philippine scholar, who is also known simply as W.E. Retana. The 512-page book was published by Librería General de Victoriano Suárez of Madrid, Spain in 1907. It contains works of Rizal such as poems and essays in "Spanish of literary merit", some "translations and short papers" written in Tagalog, German, French, and English, and a complete listing of Rizal’s writings.[2] The prologue for W.E. Retana’s book on Rizal was written by Javier Gómez de la Serna, while the epilogue was written by Miguel de Unamuno (1864-1936). Vida y Escritos del Dr. José Rizal is the first biographical account of the life of Rizal written by a non-Filipino author (the second is Rizal: Philippine Nationalist and Martyr by British author Austin Coates).[3]


  1. De Ocampo, Estaban A. Dr. José Rizal, Father of Filipino Nationalism,
  2. Knight, Kevin. José Mercado Rizal,
  3. Roces, Alejandro R. Rizal's Death Anniversary, Roses & Thorns, Opinion, The Philippine Star, December 29, 2009,
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