Vakpatiraja II

Vakpatiraja II
King of Sapadalaksha
Reign c. 1026-1040 CE
Predecessor Govindaraja III
Successor Viryarama
Dynasty Chahamanas of Shakambhari

Vakpatiraja II (r. c. 1026-1040 CE) was an Indian king belonging to the Shakambhari Chahamana dynasty. He ruled the Sapadalaksha country, which included parts of present-day Rajasthan in north-western India.

Vakpati succeeded his father Govindaraja II as the Chahamana king.[1] The Prabandha-Kosha calls him "Vallabha".[2]

According to Prithviraja Vijaya, Vakpati defeated and killed Ambaprasada, the ruler of Aghata (identified with modern Ahar). Historian R. B. Singh identifies Ambaprasada with the Guhila ruler Amaraprasada.[3]

Later texts such as Surjana-Charita, Hammira-Kavya and Prabandha-Kosha claim that Vakpati defeated Bhoja, the Paramara king of Malwa. These sources provide also provide some fictious details about the supposed conflict. However, this claim is not reliable.[2]

Vakpati was succeeded by his Viryarama, who was killed by Bhoja. Subsequently, Chamundaraja ascended the Chahamana throne. According to historian R. B. Singh, Virayarama and Chamundaraja were sons of Vakpati.[4] Dasharatha Sharma, however, considers all three as sons of Govindaraja III.[2]



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