Trichlorofluoromethane (data page)

This is a supplementary data page for trichlorofluoromethane.

Property Value
Density (ρ) at 0 °C 1.5432−3
Density (ρ) at 18.82 °C 1.4905−3
Critical temperature (Tc) 198 °C (471 K)
Critical pressure (pc) 4.410 MPa (44.1 bar)
Critical density (ρc) 4.151 mol.l−1
Refractive index (n) at 20 °C, D 1.3821
Acentric factor (ω) 0.18875
Dipole moment 0.450 D
Ozone depletion potential (ODP) 1 (by definition)
Global warming potential (GWP) 4600 (CO2 = 1)
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