Sultaniya, India

Country  India
State Rajasthan
District Jaipur
  Total almost 2,000
  Official Hindi
Time zone IST (UTC+5:30)
Nearest city Jaipur
Lok Sabha constituency Jaipur
Vidhan Sabha constituency DUDU

Sultaniya is a village about 45 km from Jaipur in Phagi tehsil, in the state of Rajasthan, India. This is a small village with the population numbering around 2000 and largely consists of farmers. Agriculture is mainly dependent upon the monsoon as the village lacks modern irrigation options. In the years of a poor monsoon, the people survive through their livestock, and selling milk.


The village is inhabited by various castes such as the Meena, Rajput, Gurjar, Daroga, Brahmins, Muslims, Bairwa and others.

Coordinates: 23°42′N 76°38′E / 23.700°N 76.633°E / 23.700; 76.633

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