Stanislav Edward Shmelev

Dr Stanislav Edward Shmelev is an ecological economist affiliated with the International Society for Ecological Economics (ISEE), currently holding a position of a Director of an NGO Environment Europe, Oxford, UK. His books include 'Ecological Economics: Sustainability in Practice' (Springer), 'Sustainability Analysis: An Interdisciplinary Approach' (Palgrave) and 'Green Economy Reader. Lectures in Ecological Economics and Sustainability' (Springer).

Shmelev has been a Senior Researcher at the Environmental Change Institute of the Oxford University (2008–2009), has beena Senior Visiting Research Associate at the Oxford University School of Geography and the Environment. The main themes of his work have been the theory of ecological economics, methods of sustainability assessment at the macro scale, environmentally extended input-output analysis, evaluation of biodiversity, sustainable energy and waste management. Shmelev has been a Visiting Professor in ecological economics at the University of Geneva (2007), University of Versailles (2008-2012), Kazakh National University (2012-2014) and National University of Colombia (2015). In 2008-2009 he organized a series of lectures in ecological economics at the University of Oxford: Dr Shmelev was named on in top four most promising young economists in the world by the Handelsblatt Newspaper at the Institute for New Economic Thinking conference in Hong Kong in 2013.


Dr Stanislav Shmelev is focusing on a range of sustainability issues including macroeconomic sustainability, sustainable cities, renewable energy, multicriteria decision aid, environmentally-extended input-output analysis, sustainable waste management, ecosystems and biodiversity.

Green Economy

Dr Shmelev edited and published a new 'Green Economy Reader', which brought together the top names in ecological economics and sustainability to discuss new ideas in green economy. With a foreword by Mr Achim Steiner, the former Executive Director of UNEP, this volume aims to fill the gap in understanding ecological economics as one of the important foundations for green economy trend in the new economic thinking. State of the art in sustainability, inspired by interdisciplinary ideas of ecological economics, this book is focusing on sustainability pathways, new economic theory, democracy and institutions, multidimensional assessment of sustainability, macroeconomic modelling and policies, climate change and renewable energy, resource flows and circular economy, regenerative cities, environmental conflicts and values. We are hoping that this thought provoking collection of top level contributions will help facilitate a transition towards sustainability and educational reform. The contributors include the stars of ecological economics: Professors David Orr, Peter Söderbaum, Robert Ayres, Herman Daly, Stanislav Shmelev, Anthony Friend, Stefan Speck, Herbert Girardet, Stefan Giljum, Terry Barker, Jeroen van den Bergh, David Elliott, Joan Martinez-Alier, Irina Shmeleva, Robert Costanza, Gar Alperovitz, Joshua Farley, Carol Franco, Tim Jackson, Ida Kubiszewski, Juliet Schor and Peter Victor.

The endorsements read: "A fabulous composition of papers by the authors who really count!" Ernst von Weizsäcker, The Club of Rome. "The authors present a refreshing perspective on the possibilities of human progress in harmony with nature, without the need for economic growth to secure long term human welfare and wise use of nature's services. Extremely relevant." Peter May, Past President, International Society for Ecological Economics and Professor, UFRRJ, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil The book goes well beyond the Green Economy, offering arguments and blueprints for a complete makeover of the current economic system. With multi- and interdisciplinary contributions ranging from moderately to fundamentally critical of current economics, it raises fundamental questions of value and power, draws on a wide range of theories, opens the eyes for the historical processes that brought about the current crises and demonstrates the value of ecological, but also classical economic thinking to their solution. If better politics require better theories, this is a must read for academics and decision makers in the time of climate crisis. Joachim Spangenberg, Sustainable Europe Research Institute, SERI Germany e.V.

Ecological Economics

Dr Shmelev is an author of a popular textbook on Ecological Economics: Shmelev S. E. (2012) Ecological Economics: Sustainability in Practice published by Springer:, which has been downloaded over 20000 times and has been used in teaching students from over 40 countries, including Canada, USA, Mexico, Ecuador, Costa Rica, Brazil, Colombia, Peru, UK, France, Germany, Austria, Spain, Italy, Malta, Portugal, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Sweden, Bosnia, Latvia, Ghana, Nigeria, Jordan, Sri Lanka, China, India, Taiwan, and Australia.

This book presents the state of the art in ecological economics, an interdisciplinary field focused on the analysis of sustainability of global, national and regional economic systems. An elegant guide, the book offers a range of cutting edge methods used in sustainability research including multicriteria decision aid (MCDA), input-output analysis, and life cycle analysis.

This book is packed with references for students with some background in economics, environmental science or mathematics who aim to develop the analytical skills required for redirecting our development path towards sustainability in government, international organisations, academia, non-profit sector and business. As such, the book is primarily aimed at MSc and first year PhD students reading for degrees in Environmental Change and Management, Ecological Economics, Environmental Management, Philosophy, Politics and Economics, and those taking part in similar programmes.

Macro Sustainability Assessment

Dr Shmelev developed a novel method of sustainability assessment that uses the potential of multicriteria decision aid tools (MCDA) and applies them to the dynamic sets of sustainability criteria. This research dimension has grown out of the series of lectures he gave at the leading European universities on sustainability of Russia, a very complex case, where social and environmental aspects of economic development have often been neglected. This methodology is particularly important for defining sustainability, assessing the progress towards sustainability of a given society or system. Several applied cases have been published now:

Shmelev S.E (2011) Dynamic Sustainability Assessment: The Case of Russia in the Period of Transition (1985-2007), Elsevier, Ecological Economics , Vol. 70, Issue 11, pp. 2039-2049:

Shmelev S. (2010) Multidimensional Analysis of Macro Sustainability of Russia, Politex, Vol. 4, pp. 115–133

Shmelev S. and Rodrigues-Labajos B. (2009) Dynamic Multicriteria Assessment of Macro Sustainability: Case Study of Austria, Ecological Economics, Vol. 68, Issue 10, pp. 2560–2573

Multidimensional assessment of biodiversity

In 2009 the United Nations Environment Programme invited Dr Stanislav Shmelev to be a reviewer for The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB) Report:

Sustainable energy

Shmelev S.E,van den Bergh J.C.J.M. (2016) Optimal diversity of renewable energy alternatives under multiple criteria: An application to the UK, Elsevier, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Volume 60, July 2016, pp. 679–691:

In 2009 Dr Shmelev was interviewed for the European Union Euronews Channel on the issues of Renewable Energy and Sustainable Development:

Sustainable waste management

"Ecological–economic modelling for strategic regional waste management systems". Ecological Economics. 59: 115–130. doi:10.1016/j.ecolecon.2005.09.030. 

Sustainable cities

The issue of sustainable cities has been dealt with by Dr Shmelev in the context of the interdisciplinary linkages in the development of large cities. He co-organized two international workshops on sustainable cities at the University of Oxford and Saint Petersburg State University.

The first workshop resulted in a book: Shmeleva I. A. and Shmelev S. E. (Eds) (2007) Sustainable Urban Development: Interdisciplinary Approach, St Petersburg State University, 265 pp.

The second workshop produced a special issue of the International Journal of Sustainable Development entirely devoted to sustainable cities:,2,38;linkingpublicationresults,1:110889,1;&absoluteposition=1#A1

The issues of multidimensional benchmarking for megacities have been analysed in detail in the recent book, Green Economy Reader: Lectures in Ecological Economics and Sustainability:

Environmentally-Extended Input-Output Analysis

A detailed environmentally-extended input-output analysis of the UK economy is presented in Sustainability Analysis: An Interdisciplinary Approach:

Books published

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