

Sklodowskite on gypsum
Category Nesosilicate
(repeating unit)
Strunz classification 9.AK.10
Crystal system Monoclinic
Crystal class Prismatic (2/m)
H-M symbol: (2/m)
Space group C2/m
Colour Light yellow to green-yellow
Cleavage Perfect
on {100}
Mohs scale hardness 2 - 3
Lustre Adamantine, vitreous, silky
Streak Yellow
Diaphaneity Transparent, translucent
Density 3.54 g/cm3

Sklodowskite is a uranium mineral with the chemical formula: Mg(UO2)2(HSiO4)2·5H2O. It is a secondary mineral which contains magnesium and is a bright yellow colour, its crystal habit is acicular, but can form in other shapes. It has a Mohs hardness of about 2-3. It is named after the maiden name of Marie Curie, Sklodowska.[1] It is the magnesium analogue of the much more common uranium mineral Cuprosklodowskite, which contains copper instead.

It was discovered by Alfred Schoep (1881–1966) in 1924.


  1. "Sklodowskite".

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