Semi-abelian category

In mathematics, specifically in category theory, a semi-abelian category is a pre-abelian category in which the induced morphism is a bimorphism, i.e., a monomorphism and an epimorphism, for every morphism .


The two properties used in the definition can be characterized by several equivalent conditions.[1]

Every semi-abelian category has a maximal exact structure.

If a semi-abelian category is not quasi-abelian, then the class of all kernel-cokernel pairs does not form an exact structure.


Every quasi-abelian category is semi-abelian. In particular, every abelian category is semi-abelian. Non quasi-abelian examples are the following.

and be a field. The category of finitely generated projective modules over the algebra is semi-abelian.[5]


The concept of a semi-abelian category was developed in the 1960s. Raikov conjectured that the notion of a quasi-abelian category is equivalent to that of a semi-abelian category. Around 2005 it turned out that the conjecture is false.[6]

Left and right semi-abelian categories

By dividing the two conditions on the induced map in the definition, one can define left semi-abelian categories by requiring that is a monomorphism for each morphism . Accordingly, right quasi-abelian categories are pre-abelian categories such that is an epimorphism for each morphism .[7]

If a category is left semi-abelian and right quasi-abelian, then it is already quasi-abelian. The same holds, if the category is right semi-abelian and left quasi-abelian.[8]


  1. Kopylov et. al., 2012.
  2. Bonet et. al., 2004/2005.
  3. Sieg et. al., 2011, Example 4.1.
  4. Rump, 2011, p. 44.
  5. Rump, 2008, p. 993.
  6. Rump, 2011, p. 44f.
  7. Rump, 2001.
  8. Rump, 2001.


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