National Police of Panama

The National Police of Panama is an armed body of civil nature, ascribed to the Ministry of Public Security, commissioned to keep and guarantee the public order to national level. It was legally constituted by means of the Law No. 18 of 3 June 1997. The National Police of Panama together with the National Service Aeronaval (SENAN), National Service of Borders (SENAFRONT) and the Service of Institutional Protection (S.P.I.) They compose the Public Strength.

The National Police of Panama is subordinated directly to the President of the Republic through the Minister of Public Security from the year 2010.

The telephone line of emergencies of the National Police of Panama is the 104 and is of free form to national level. When marking the 104 from a residential fixed telephone, commercial or a public telephone the call is received in the station of police nearer to the origin of the same.

Republican period

One of the main causes of the political unsteadiness Colombian was the intervention of the Armed forces like referee in the political disputes between Liberal and Conservative seemed that this went to continue when in 1904 to a year of the separation istmeña of Colombia gives a conato of Coup d'état by part of the Army Istmeño, directed by The General Esteban Huertas López, forces to his dissolution by part of the Panamanian Government with the support of United States and creates some police but totally unarmed.

In 1935, the colonel Manuel Pino restructured totally the National Police, achieving discipline to the country and arriving even to attain a state budget for the National Police.

National policeman

In 1947 it assumes the leadership the Colonel José Antonio Remón Quarry, the one who later was chosen President of the Republic of Panama and in his period promulgó the law No. 44 of 28 December 1953, that changes to the National Police to National Policeman, proceeding to structure a plan of modernisation that included the sending of officials to specialise out of the country., low and lemma "Everything by The Homeland".

On 11 October 1968 the National Policeman starred a coup d'état against the government of the doctor Arnulfo Arias Madrid, being appointed Commander in Boss to the colonel Aristides M. Hassán; Afterwards, it assumes the control the general Omar Torrijos Herrera in quality of Head of state. Torrijos Dies in an aerial accident in the hill Marta in the province of Coclé on 31 July 1981. It suceden In the charge the colonel Florencio Flórez Aguilar, the general Rubén Darío Walls Of the River, and the general Manuel Antonio Noriega Moreno.

Strengths of Defence of Panama

By means of the Law 20 of 29 September 1983 create the structures in which it based the organisation and the operation of the Strengths of Defence of the Republic of Panama

Public strength

Like result of the North American invasion of 20 December 1989, the new Panamanian government organised the Public Strength, designated to the charge of boss of the police to the colonel Roberto Armijo.

With the end to award him legal foundations to the new police organisation issued the Executive Decree No. 38 of 10 February 1990, by means of which was organised the Public Strength, in where one of his components is the National Police. The Executive Organ appointed like Director of the Public Strength to the colonel Eduardo Herrera Hassán, which later is destituido low charges of conspiracy replacing it the lieutenant colonel Fernando Quezada, the one who to his time was destituido in October of the same year, when boarding a public discussion with the director of a newspaper. In his place was appointed the graduate Ebrahim Asvat.

National police of Panama

Ing. Julio To. Moltó To.,General Director of the National Police (2012-2014).
Gustavo Pérez, General Director of the National Police (2009-2012).

In April 1991 appoints to the graduate Gonzalo Menéndez Franco like General Director of the institution, charge that exerted until September 1992, when it was replaced by the graduate Oswaldo Fernández.

In December 1995, the President of the Republic Ernesto Pérez Balladares appointed to José Luis Sosa like General Director of the National Police, the one who exerted these functions until 31 August 1999, date in that it occupied the dispatch Carlos "Toti" Barés Weeden.

It did not go until the year of 1997 that the National Police was legally constituted by means of the promulgation of the Law No. 18 of 3 June 1997, subordinating it explicitly to the public power legitimately constituted.

On 1 September 2004, the President Martín Torrijos Espino, designated to the graduate Gustavo Pérez like General Director of the entity, until the day 5 September 2005, when it was remplazado by the graduate Rolando Eavesdroppers Jr.

In May of the year 2008 and in the middle of a lot of controversy the Executive Organ, chaired by the President of the Republic, appoints interinamente in the direction of the National Police to the commissioner Jaime Ruiz Jayes, the one who fungía like deputy director. In November 2008, is remplazado by the commissioner Francisco Troy Aguirre. It was during these periods that the comandancia of National Police for the first time was to charge of an official of career afterwards of the invasion of 1989, by what some sectors of the population feared that it was the start of a new military diet. It fits to signal that the executive Decree 172 of 29 July 1999, establishes that the charge like General Director of the National Police has to be occupied by a civil component designated by the President of the Republic.

On 2 July 2009 the President of the Republic, Ricardo Martinelli Berrocal, appoints to the graduate Gustavo Pérez (son) like General Director of the National Police.

Commissioner Omar To. Pinzón M., current General Director of the National Police of Panama

On 11 March of the 2012, afterwards that Gustavo Pérez refused publicly, in front of the media, a proposal of the Minister of Public Security José Raúl Mulino, concerning the creation of a Disciplinary Court conformed by personnel no juramentado and extraneous to the rows of the estamentos of security that compose the Public Strength to judge to whose members infrinjan to the disciplinary regulations interns of each institution; the Minister Mulino presented his renunciation to the charge afterwards that the President Ricardo Martinelli manifested that said proposal would not proceed; by what to consequence of the renunciation of the minister immediately makes changes in the structure of the Ministry of Public Security and by means of a press release announces to the graduate Julio Moltó (Ex Director of the Council of Public Security and National Defence) as new General Director of the National Police the one who, in an act protocolar made on 16 March 2012, receives the control of the National Police in replacement of Gustavo Pérez, which would happen to the Council of Public Security and National Defence like Executive Secretary.[1][2][3]

Afterwards to result elect president of the Republic of Panama the engineer Juan Carlos Varela in the general elections of 4 May 2014, fulfilling his disposal to plant a member uniformado of career so that it direct the police institution, designates to the commissioner Omar Pinzón like General Director of the National Police from 1 July 2014, relieving to the engineer Julio Moltó.[4]

Organic structure

General direction

Ceremony of izada of the national flag in the main headquarters of the National Police by units of Security of Installations of the General Direction.

It is the highest hierarchy inside the institution. It is composed by the Director and General Deputy director jointly with the directions, departments and offices of advice:


Component of the Police of Childhood and Adolescence giving talks of prevention to students.
Unit of Special Strengths Contraterrorismo (Or.F.And.C.)
Effective police of the Unit of Control of Crowds with complete team.

Logistical resources


Police vehicle type calm.
Police vehicle type pick-up.

The National Police of Panama has a vehicular fleet constituted by cars and motorcycles according to the needs of the service or type of terrain. Mainly they use vehicles type pick-up to which is them adapted a ceiling and metallic walls that cover the wagon in which they can move arrested persons and/or effective police. Also they are used vehicles type #sedan which generally are used by the attendants of the distinct detachments to effect routes of supervision of personnel. Recently it has incorporated sportive vehicles to his fleet by the need to effect persecutions to high speed. Also they have motociletas type enduro and scooter for routes in the city and in residential or commercial sectors respectively. In the areas of tourist interest is common to observe effective police cyclists. The bicycle a half of economic transport, does not contaminate the environment and offers an ornamental effect and relajante in the citizens.


Glock 17 of the National Police of Panama.

The standard-issue firearm for the National Police of Panama is the Glock 17 semi-automatic pistol, chambered for 9×19mm. Prior to the 2012, only officials used semi-automatic pistols; the rest of the units used Smith & Wesson revolvers chambered for .38 Special.


Ranks or degrees of officiality.
Ranks or degrees of classes.

The degrees or ranks in the National Police of Panama are reglamentados and established with the executive decree No. 172 of 3 September 1997; in which in one of his sections establishes the echelon of control inside the institution.

Upper officials
  • Commissioner
  • Sub Commissioner
  • Elder
Officials subalternos



  • Agent
  • Agent in Proof of Service (To.P.S.)

Institutional identity

Official escort of Flag of the National Police of Panama during a civic parade in city of Panama.


The National Police of Panama has a shield conformed by a map of the Republic of Panama with flags to the sides covered by an eagle arpía (national bird) in the top, topped with nine stars that symbolise the nine provinces in that it is divided the Republic of Panama and can read the lemma "Protect and Serve"; everything on a black bottom. The flag is conformed by the shield of the National Police on a bottom azúl dark; as well as they also are the insignia of each detachment and uniforms for each occasion.


  1. Uniform Regulate: from 4 November 2010 the National Police of Panama replaced the uniform beige colour by the one of Blue colour Navy (shirt and trousers), white sweater under the shirt, Quepis of the same colour that the uniform with ornaments colour plateado for officials, classes and agents; black shoes.[6] The insignia of degrees go in the sleeves of the shirt for the classes and on the shoulders for the officials, both of white colour on black bottom. Usually used to loan service in diurnal hours in urban zones, as well as also by the administrative personnel and/or for events semi formal inside or out of the installations of the institution.
  1. Of fatigue or work: trousers and shirt dark green colour; with black sweater under the shirt, cap in cloth dril black colour, boots in black leather, dark insignia. The insignia of degrees go in the sleeves of the shirt for the classes and on the shoulders for the officials. Generally used to loan service in nocturnal days, in areas of difficult access and/or by special units as they can be the motorised "Lynxes", the Unit Control of Crowds and the groups of reaction.
  1. Uniform of Gala No.1: it uses with the same trousers of the regular uniform, white shirt with black tie and sack of the same colour that the trousers, Quepis of the same colour that the trousers, ornaments colour plateado for officials, classes and agents; black shoes. The insignia of degrees go in the sleeves of the shirt for the classes and on the shoulders for the officials. His use is exclusive for events protocolares or special inside or out of the country, as well as also by the Band of Music of the National Police.

Police action

The National Police in addition to being a preventive body, works to eradicate to the common criminals and to the big criminal groups devoted to the drug trafficking, bleaching of capital, illicit traffic of arms, among others. It makes works of community surveillance in residential and commercial sectors to attain an integration of the citizenship and like this collaborate offering information at first hand on the problems of each community, boosting a culture of convivencia peaceful between all the national citizens or foreigners.



  1. Deivis Eliecer Cerrud (13 March 2012). "Nombramiento de Gustavo Pérez al Consejo de Seguridad esta en Gaceta Oficial". La Estrella de Panamá (in Spanish). Retrieved 20 March 2012. Pérez rechazó públicamente el 8 de marzo pasado la propuesta de un tribunal disciplinario que juzgue a policías; Mulino, su jefe, escribió una carta a Papadimitriu salvando su responsabilidad, pero al apoyarse a Pérez renunció irrevocablemente al cargo al día siguiente.
  2. Irene Hernandez (14 March 2012). "Mulino decidirá su futuro hoy". La Prensa (in Spanish). Retrieved 20 March 2012. Mulino, que presentó su renuncia “irrevocable” el pasado viernes 9 de marzo, participó del Gabinete para sustentar su renuncia, la cual se haría efectiva a partir de este 15 de marzo.
  3. Denise Lara (16 March 2012). "Julio Moltó asume como Director de la Policía Nacional". Noticiero Telemetro (in Spanish). Retrieved 20 March 2012. Este viernes se dio el acto de cambio de mando en la Policía Nacional, donde asumió como nuevo director el ingeniero en sistemas Julio Moltó, exdirector del Consejo de Seguridad.
  4. Carlos H. González (12 June 2014). "Varela designa a Omar Pinzón como director de la Policía Nacional". La Estrella de Panamá (in Spanish). Retrieved 3 July 2014. El Presidente electo de la República, Juan Carlos Varela anunció a su llegada al Diario La Estrella de Panamá, que el Comisionado Omar Pinzón será el nuevo director de la Policía Nacional a partir del 1 de julio.
  5. González, Elizabeth (15 November 2013). "Crean unidad policial para seguridad del Metro de Panamá". TVN Noticias (in Spanish). Ciudad de Panamá: Televisora Nacional, S.A. Retrieved 12 February 2014. Serán más de 300 unidades las que formarán parte de este grupo policial, 26 de ellos fueron capacitados por expertos en seguridad del sistema de transporte del metro de los Estados Unidos.
  6. Televisora National

Coordinates: 8°58′00″N 79°33′07″W / 8.9668°N 79.5519°W / 8.9668; -79.5519

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