Moment of Truth (marketing)

Moments of Truth(MOT) in marketing, is the moment when a customer/user interacts with a brand, product or service to form or change an impression about that particular brand, product or service. In 2005 A.G. Lafley Chairman,President & CEO of Procter & Gamble coined 2 Moments of Truth i.e. first and second.[1] Third was gradually introduced later.[2]

Types of MOT

Further reading


  1. Book - The Game-Changer by A.G Lafley (Page 5)
  2. 4 Moments of truth
  3. Eff-mot Article-WSJ
  4. Google's Micro Moment
  5. Digital Darwinism: Branding and Business Models in Jeopardy (Page 51,52) By Ralf Kreutzer, Karl-Heinz Land
  6. Leaders Talk Leadership: Top Executives Speak Their Minds (Page 113,114) ISBN 9780195152838
  7. Why it matters?
  8. Zmot Macro Study
  9. The less than Zero Moment of Truth
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