Mihail Șerban (biochemist)

Mihail Șerban
Born 1930
Died July 7, 2004
Nationality Romanian
Education Bucharest University
Occupation Biochemist

Mihail Șerban (1930 July 7, 2004) was a Romanian biochemist.

He graduated from the chemistry faculty of Bucharest University, following which he earned a doctorate in 1963. Until the end of his life, he taught biochemistry at the veterinary medicine faculty of the University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine. His research focused on the comparative biochemistry of cerebral and muscular proteins, enzymology, synthesis of new molecular compounds with applications in biochemistry, and mechanisms of metabolic regulation and control. Together or in collaboration, he authored fourteen monographs and some 280 articles, many of which were reviewed and cited abroad. He patented eighteen inventions. Elected a corresponding member of the Romanian Academy in 1991, he was raised to titular membership in 2001.[1]


  1. (Romanian) In memoriam 2004 at the Romanian Academy site
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