Mars Microspacecraft Missions

Not to be confused with Miniaturized satellite.

Mars Microspacecraft Missions are proposed cheap launch missions costing less than $50 million that can be carried out by the Italian Space Agency to Mars to research Mars, ranging from the use of one spacecraft to multiple constellations of mini spacecraft.

Under a study contract, the Italian Space Agency (ASI) developed the mechanical system concept for a Mars Microspacecraft to launch in a twin configuration on an Ariane V ASAP (Auxiliary Payload). As a member a multi-disciplined team, ASI developed the mechanical configuration and preliminary structure design for the spacecraft in two configurations, a probe carrier and an orbiter. The term microspacecraft was used in a Jet Propulsion Laboratory publication in 1981.


Anderson, Nikka. "Micro-spacecraft, Instrumentation, & Electronics". NASA. Retrieved 2007-08-30. 

Burke, J.D. "Micro-spacecraft 15/10/1981". JPL Caltech. 

"The Case for Small Satellites". International Academy of Astronautics. 1993. 

"Technology for Small Spacecraft". Aeronautics and Space Engineering Board, National Research Council. 1994. 

"Affordable Spacecraft: Design and Launch Alternatives, A Background Paper". OTA-BP-ISC-60. U.S. Congress Office of Technology Assessment. January 1990. 

Sarsfield, Liam (September 1996). "Federal Investments in Small Spacecraft". RAND. 

Mauritz, A.; Patel, B. "Science-Enabling MicroSpacecraft Constellations for Mars". Concepts and Approaches for Mars Exploration. STI (NASA). p. 215. Retrieved 2007-08-30. 

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