List of fish on stamps of United Kingdom

This is a list of fish on stamps' of that appear on postage stamps of the United Kingdom

Year Value Species Collection
1981 25p Atlantic salmon Fishing Industry
1983 15.5p Atlantic salmon British River Fishes
1983 19.5p Northern pike British River Fishes
1983 26p Brown trout British River Fishes
1983 29p European perch British River Fishes
2014 64p Herring Sustainable Fish
2014 64p Red gurnard perch Sustainable Fish
2014 64p Common dab Sustainable Fish
2014 64p Trisopterus luscus Sustainable Fish
2014 64p Sardine Sustainable Fish
2014 64p Common skate Sustainable Fish
2014 64p Spiny dogfish Sustainable Fish
2014 64p Anarhichadidae Sustainable Fish
2014 64p Sturgeon Sustainable Fish
2014 64p Conger Sustainable Fish
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