Lisa Rowe

For airline crash survivor Lisa Rowe, see American Airlines Flight 1420. For the character Lisa Rowe, see book Girl, Interrupted or the film adaptation Girl, Interrupted (film) where Angelina Jolie plays the character

Lisa Rowe is a German/Danish singer living in Germany. She released her dance/dubstep-oriented EP I Am Lisa Rowe in 2012 with DLA black UK. Single releases include "Black Light" and "Lost in You". She is also known by her collaborations with a number of artists where she is featuring in their recordings like Virtual Riot ("In Your Hands", "Alive"), Culture Code ("Over Again") and NyxSyrinxNelio ("Home").

Her first major charting release is a collaboration with Danish duo Nik & Jay called "United" that went in straight to #1 on Tracklisten, the official Danish Singles Charts.




Featured in
Year Single Charts Certification Album
2013 "United"[1]
(Nik & Jay feat. Lisa Rowe)
1 From Nik & Jay EP
Copenhagen Pop Cartel
2013 "Feed Me Diamonds"
(Alex C feat. Lisa Rowe)


External links

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