L. G. Tang

Linguang Tang is a Professor of Physics at the School of Science at the Hampton University, Hampton, Virginia,[1] holding a joint position as faculty at Hampton and as Staff Scientist at the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility. He completed his B.A. in 1977 from Beijing Polytechnic University, Beijing, China, M.S. 1981, from the Institute of High Energy Physics, the Chinese Academy of Science and Technology, Beijing, China, and PhD in 1987, from the University of Houston, Houston, TX, with Prof. Ed V. Hungerford III. His research group is one of the leading groups in the nation [2] in the area of experimental Hypernuclear physics, with mostly retaining leadership (Spokesperson/co-Spokesperson) roles on virtually all hypernuclear experiments (eg E89-009, E01-011, E02-017, E05-115/E08-002) at the Hall C or (E08-012/PR10-001) to be conducted in Hall A at the CEBAF accelerator.

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