László Kovács (writer)

László Kovács

László Kovács (Slovene: Laci Kovač, Ladislav Kovač) (December 15, 1950) is a Hungarian Slovene-language writer, amateur actor, and beekeeper. Kovács was born in Vashegyalja, Vas county, Hungary (today Kétvölgy). His father, Vilmos Kovács, is of Hungarian descent, and his mother was a Slovene, Mária Zankócs. In the 1970s and 2000s, he taught in Apátistvánfalva.[1] Between 1998 and 2006 he was the mayor of Apátistvánfalva. Kovács led the amateur theatrical company Veseli Pajdaši after Irén Barbér's death and authored a few comedies in Prekmurje Slovene,[2] and with his group received the national prize A Nemzetiségi Hagyományok Átörökítéséért (For the Legacy of Minority Cultures) in 2010 at the ARCUSFEST international theater festival in Budapest.[3]

Kovács is also a recognized beekeeper in the Slovene region of Hungary, who uses the old traditional apiary methods and produces some specialty honey.[4]


  1. Vse sanje še niso izsanjane (vecer.com)
  2. Porabje, Časopis Slovencev na Madžarskem (2007,04.19.)
  3. Porabje, Časopis Slovencev na Madžarskem (2009.01.08.), ARCUSFEST 2008 Magyarországi Nemzetiségi Színházi Találkozó 2008. február 23-március 2. Budapest
  4. Porabje, Časopis Slovencev na Madžarskem 17. oktobra, 2013.


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