Kotli Kalan
Kotli Kalan is a village in Nowshera District.
It is adjacent to the village of Saleh Khana. The village is surrounded by the Cherat mountains.
There are many banks in the village. Its bazaar (market) is one of the more famous of all neighbouring villages. People from neighbouring villages come to the market to meet friends and family. The language spoken here is Pashto.
The people from neighbouring village Saleh Khana sometimes refer to the village as Shangre, referring to its inhabitants as a whole regardless of clans as Kotli Kalan and its Bazaar as Kotli Kalan Main Bazaar. Many villagers have since moved abroad to countries like England (primarily Aylesbury and Birmingham), Norway, Italy and Canada. The village is nicknamed "Little England" because the villagers have traveled abroad to the UK primarily Birmingham, England. The villagers are known for their beauty as they consist of colored eyes and light skin.
Tribe and clans
The village is inhabited by one tribe which are the Khattak.
The clans are:
- Tharkan Kheil
- Namwar Khel
- Tatar Khel
- Shatar Khel
- Dhurran Khel (There was originally two dhurrunkhel, one is Saleh Khana as well, but they split up into two separate clans.)
- Amir Jan Khel