Knowledge Search

Knowledge Search (Korean:지식검색) service is an information-sharing tool first launched in 2002 for Naver users. The tool allows users to ask just about any question, such as how to cook ramen or how to subscribe to international magazines via the Internet, and receive answers from other users. In this way, Knowledge Search was an early example of harnessing user-generated content to expand the amount of information available in the web, particularly in the Korean language. Bradley Horowitz, Vice President of Product Strategy at Yahoo!, has cited the South Korean experience with knowledge search as the inspiration for Yahoo! Answers, which was launched three years after Naver introduced the original service. As of January 2008, the Knowledge Search database included more than 80 million pages of user-generated information.

This service has changed its name to "Knowledge IN"(Korean:지식인) [1]

Knowledge Search has four sub-categories:

See also


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