Kinneret Shiryon

Kinneret Shiryon is the first female rabbi in Israel.[1] She is the spiritual leader of Kehillat Yozma, Modi'in's Reform congregation, which she helped establish in 1997; Kehillat Yozma is the first non-Orthodox congregation in Israel to receive state funding for its synagogue building.[1][2][3] She was also chairwoman of the Council of Progressive Rabbis in Israel (MARAM),[1] as well as one of the rabbis who contributed to the book Three Times Chai: 54 Rabbis Tell Their Favorite Stories. She contributed the story "Challahs in the Ark." [4] She also wrote the piece "The First Thirty Years in Israel: Avnei Derech", which appears in the book The Sacred Calling: Four Decades of Women in the Rabbinate, published in 2016.[5][6][7] She directed the University Student Outreach programs at UAHC's International Department of Education in Jerusalem.[3]

Kinneret Shiryon was born in the United States in 1955, and was ordained at Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion in New York in 1981.[8] She has four children (Ayelet, Erez, Inbar, and Amichai) and her husband's name is Baruch.[3][8]


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