Kerala Gazetted Officers' Union
The Kerala Gazetted Officers' Union (KGOU) is a common platform for the gazetted officers of Kerala having democratic and seculiarist views. KGOU started functioning in the state of Kerala during 1984, separating from the KGOA after the assassination of Indira Gandhi. KGOU politically extends support to the activities of the largest and oldest democratic party of India. KGOU moves ahead in protecting the rights of civil servants and at the same time works for an efficient, effective and transparent civil service having commitment to the society. Sri K.P. Radhakrishnan was the founder-president of KGOU.
State Office Bearers
Sri. C. Rajan Pillai
Vice Presidents:
- Sri. E. M. Babu
- Sri. R. Rajkumar
- Sri. P. G. Rajan Babu
General Secretary:
Sri. S. Ajayan
- Sri. K. A. Sundaran
- Sri. T. A. Padmakumar
- Sri. K. Vimalan
- Sri. Venugopal
- Sri. K. J. Kuriakose
- Sri. M. R. Abdul Salam
State Secretariat Members:
- Sri. Thomas Scaria
- Sri. K. C. Mohandas
- Sri. A. G. Noorudeen
- Sri. C. G. Hareendranath
- Sri. C. G. Gopinath
- Sri. V. M. Sreekanth
- Sri.
- Sri.
Special Invitees to State Secretariat:
Bulletin Editor:
Women's Forum Conveners: Smt.
Arts and Cultural Forum Convenor: Sri.
Auditors: Sri.
District Units
- President: Sri. C.G. Hareendranadh
- Secretary: Sri. C. Ajayakumar
- Treasurer: Sri. P. A. Joseph
- President: Sri. K. J. Kuriakose
- Secretary: Sri. S. Ramdas
- Treasurer: Dr. C. B. Ajith Kunmar
- President: Sri. A. G. Noorudeen
- Secretary: Sri. N. Vijayakumar
- Treasurer: Sri. D.Praveenkumar