Jojo Cobbinah

Jojo Cobbinah (born 25 May 1948 in Bogoso North of Tarkwa, Western Region) is a Ghanaian author living in Accra, Ghana.

Cobbinah went to a catholic school in his home country and studied in Cape Coast (Ghana), Abidjan (Ivory Coast) and Dijon (France). From 1974 to 2009, he lived in Germany, initially in West Berlin and later in different places in the Northern part of the Rhine-Main area. He returned to Ghana in 2010, but he still travels to Europe at regular intervals to support intercultural cooperation.

He gained prestige with his travel guides for Senegal, Gambia and Madeira, but most notably with his work about his home country Ghana. Formerly only writing in English, all 11 editions of the Ghana travel guide have been published in German. It has become a benchmark work in German-speaking regions and was tagged one of the best travel guides for an African country in a survey by the UNESCO committee.

In cooperation with former spokesman of the Frankfurt Book Fair, Holger Ehling, he worked on »Westafrikanisch Kochen«, a cookbook for West African food. He also supported his author colleague Barbi Lasar with his book about the South African Cape region: »Südafrika: Die Kapregion«.

As a columnist and book reviewer he is also part of the editorial staff of »The African Courier«, a journal published in English. In 2003, he developed Ghana’s first all expense tour offer for Ghana Airways. His most recent work is »Dr. Amo’s Lonely Planet«, a novel about Anton Wilhelm Amo who was the first African coming from a region South of the Sahara Desert to study in Germany.


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