James of Venice

James of Venice[1] was a significant translator of Aristotle of the twelfth century. He has been called the first systematic translator of Aristotle since Boethius.[2] Not much is otherwise known about him.[3]

He was active in particular in Constantinople;[4] he translated the Posterior Analytics from Greek to Latin in the period 1125-1150.[5][6] This made available in Western Europe for the first time in half a millennium what was then called the New Logic, in other words the full Organon.

See also


  1. Giacomo da Venezia, Jacobus Veneticus Grecus, Iacobus Veneticus Graecus, Jacobus Clericus de Venetia, Jacobus de Venetiis.
  2. Walter Berschin - 4. Venice
  3. PDF, p. 5.
  4. Translators
  5. PDF
  6. gives the date 1128 for several works.


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