History of the Jacobite line of succession

A history of the Jacobite succession, showing its state immediately prior to the death of each pretender. Normally, only the first ten people are listed here.

James II & VII

On the day of James II's death, 16 September 1701, the line of succession to the Jacobite claim was as follows (following primogeniture);

  1. James, Prince of Wales (b. 10 June 1688), son of James II & VII
  2. Princess Anne, Princess George of Denmark (b. 6 February 1665), elder living daughter of James II
  3. Princess Louise (b. 28 June 1692), younger living daughter of James II
  4. William III, Prince of Orange (b. 14 November 1650), son of Mary, Princess Royal and Princess of Orange
  5. Princess Anne Marie, Duchess of Savoy (b. 27 August 1669), daughter of Princes Henrietta Anne, Duchess of Orléans
  6. Victor Amadeus, Prince of Piedmont (b. 6 May 1699), first son of Princess Anne Marie
  7. Prince Charles Emmanuel of Savoy (b. 27 April 1701), second son of Princess Anne Marie
  8. Princess Marie Adélaïde, Duchess of Burgundy (b. 6 December 1685), elder living daughter of Princess Anne Marie
  9. Princess Marie Louise of Savoy (b. 17 September 1688), younger living daughter of Princess Anne Marie
  10. Prince Charles Maurice of the Rhine (b. 9 January 1671), son of Charles I Louis, Elector Palatine

Upon James II's death, the Prince of Wales inherited his father's claim, as "James III & VIII"

"James III & VIII"

On the day of James III's death, 1 January 1766, the line of succession to the Jacobite claim was as follows (following primogeniture);

  1. Prince Charles, Duke of Cornwall (b. 31 December 1720), elder son of James III
  2. Prince Henry, Cardinal-Duke of York (b. 11 March 1725), younger son of James III
  3. Charles Emmanuel III of Sardinia (b. 27 April 1701), son of Anne Marie, Queen of Sardinia
  4. Victor Amadeus, Prince of Piedmont (b. 26 June 1726), first son of Charles Emmanuel III
  5. Prince Charles Emmanuel of Piedmont (b. 24 May 1751), first son of Prince Victor Amadeus
  6. Prince Victor Emmanuel, Duke of Aosta (b. 24 July 1759), second son of Prince Victor Amadeus
  7. Prince Maurice Joseph, Duke of Montferrat (b. 13 September 1762), third son of Prince Victor Amadeus
  8. Prince Charles Felix of Piedmont (b. 6 April 1765), fourth son of Prince Victor Amadeus
  9. Princess Marie Josephine Louise of Piedmont (b. 2 September 1753), first daughter of Prince Victor Amadeus
  10. Princess Mary Theresa of Piedmont (b. 31 January 1756), second daughter of Prince Victor Amadeus

Upon James III's death, Charles Stuart inherited his father's claim, as "Charles III"

"Charles III"

On the day of Charles III's death, 31 January 1788, the line of succession to the Jacobite claim was as follows (following primogeniture);

  1. Prince Henry, Cardinal-Duke of York (b. 11 March 1725), younger brother of Charles III
  2. Victor Amadeus III of Sardinia (b. 26 June 1726), grandson of Anne Marie, Queen of Sardinia
  3. Charles Emmanuel, Prince of Piedmont (b. 24 May 1751), first son of Victor Amadeus
  4. Prince Victor Emmanuel, Duke of Aosta (b. 24 July 1759), second son of Victor Amadeus
  5. Prince Maurice Joseph, Duke of Montferrat (b. 13 September 1762), third son of Victor Amadeus
  6. Prince Charles Felix of Piedmont (b. 6 April 1765), fourth son of Victor Amadeus
  7. Prince Joseph Benedict, Count of Moriana (b. 5 October 1766), fifth son of Victor Amadeus
  8. Princess Marie Josephine Louise, Countess of Provence (b. 2 September 1753), first daughter of Victor Amadeus
  9. Princess Mary Theresa, Countess of Artois (b. 31 January 1756), second daughter of Victor Amadeus
  10. Prince Louis-Antony, Duke of Angoulême (b. 6 August 1775), elder son of Princess Mary Theresa

Upon Charles III's death, Henry Stuart inherited his brother's claim, as "Henry IX & I"

"Henry IX & I"

On the day of Henry IX's death, 13 July 1807, the line of succession to the Jacobite claim was as follows (following primogeniture);

  1. Charles Emmanuel IV of Sardinia (b. 24 May 1751), first son of Victor Amadeus III of Sardinia
  2. Victor Emmanuel I of Sardinia (b. 24 July 1759), second son of Victor Amadeus
  3. Princess Maria Beatrice of Savoy (b. 6 September 1792), eldest daughter of Victor Emmanuel
  4. Princess Maria Anna of Savoy (b. 19 September 1803), second daughter of Victor Emmanuel
  5. Princess Maria Theresa of Savoy (b. 19 September 1803), third daughter of Victor Emmanuel
  6. Prince Charles Felix of Piedmont (b. 6 April 1765), fourth son of Victor Amadeus
  7. Marie Josephine Louise, titular Queen of France (b. 2 September 1753), first daughter of Victor Amadeus
  8. Prince Louis-Antony, Duke of Angoulême (b. 6 August 1775), elder son of Princess Mary Theresa, Countess of Artois
  9. Charles Ferdinand, Duke of Berry (b. 24 January 1778), second son of Princess Mary Theresa
  10. Princess Mary Anne, Duchess of Chablais (b. 17 December 1757), third daughter of Victor Amadeus

Henry IX was the last actual claimant to the thrones.

See also

External links

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