Hanina b. Papi

For another Jewish Amora sage also of the Land of Israel, same 3d Amoraic generetion & with a similar name, see Hanina ben Pappa.
For the Babylonian Amora sages of the 5th generetion, see Rav Papi or Rav Papa.

Hanina b. Papi (or Hanina bar Papi;Other uses: instead of Papi - Pappai, or instead of Hanina - Chanina or Haninah) was a third generation Jewish Amora sage of the Land of Israel. He was among the young students of R. Yochanan bar Nafcha.[1]

He was considered an example of a righteous man who is not suspected of any sin. Once when Abba Arika was walking with his pupil Judah ben Ezekiel, he told his student: Let's move away from that woman walking in front of us, so we will not be punished in hell. Then his pupil protested: But you yourself said that in the case of respectable people it is well? and his Rabbi replied: And who says that the intention is to us, that is to mean to a person such as Hanina Bar Papi.[2]

The righteous deed he became known for was when a certain royal minister urged him into illicit relations with her, and since she was able to kill, him, he pronounced a certain magical formula, whereupon his body was covered with boils and scabs, but the woman removed it by magic and he fled and hid himself in a bath-house with demons, knowing that the minister would not chase after him to such a place, since it was a place which whomever entered it was would suffer harm, even if two entered together, and even during daytime. After this his colleagues asked him: Who guarded you? and he replied: Two angels guarded me all night.[3]

His colleagues were R. Abbahu, R. Isaac the Smith (Isaac Nappaha),[4] Rabbi Ammi,[5] and Rav Zeira.[6] Among his pupils were R. Elai [7] and R. Adda b. Abimi.[8] It is possible that he is the same Amora sage named Hanina ben Pappa who is always mentioned in Haggadot HaShas[9]


  1. Babylon Talmud, tractate Kiddushin, 142b
  2. Babylon Talmud, tractate Kiddushin, 81a
  3. Babylon Talmud, tractate Kiddushin, 39b
  4. Baylon Talmud, tractate Kiddushin, 142b; tractate Bava Kamma, 117b
  5. Baylon Talmud, tractate Yebamoth, 48b
  6. Baylon Talmud, tractate Bezah, 38a
  7. babylon Talmud, tractate Bava Kamma, 117b
  8. Babylon Talmud, tractate Erubin, 12b
  9. Babylon Talmud, tractate Hulin, 60a; tractate Ta'anit, 7a; tractate Megillah, 11a & 16a; tractate Hagigah, 5a; tractate Sotah, 10b

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