Gernikako Arbola (anthem)
English: The Tree of Gernika | |
The Tree of Gernika | |
National anthem of the Basque Country (Spain, France) | |
Lyrics | Jose Maria Iparragirre, 1853 |
Music | Jose Maria Iparragirre, 1853 |
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Music sample | |
Gernikako Arbola |
Gernikako Arbola is the title of a song in bertso form presented both in Madrid (1853) and by the shrine of Saint Anthony at Urkiola (1854) by the Basque bard Jose Maria Iparragirre (Spanish spelling Iparraguirre), celebrating the Tree of Gernika and the Basque liberties. The song is an unofficial anthem of the Basques, besides the Eusko Abendaren Ereserkia, a largely instrumental version used for official purposes in the Basque Autonomous Community. In 2007, as set out by the 4/2007 Chartered Decision, the General Assembly of Biscay declared it the district's official anthem.[1]
The popularity of the song quickly expanded (sung by the bard in Madrid venues) on the heat of the pro-fueros movement in the run-up to their definite suppression (1876) and the political unrest following it. Its echo quickly spread to the French Basque Country, where it took hold spurred by the Lore Jokoak festivals, the "Floral Games".
The song was chosen for the solemn end to the demonstration held at Pamplona in 1893, and sang along by the crowds, after widespread indignation sparked at the Spanish government's breach of fiscal terms concerning Navarre—protests known as the Gamazada.
The local newspaper La Voz de Fitero (southern fringes of Navarre) reported on the cheerful official reception in honour of the district MP Ramon Lasanta held on 30 April 1913, where an enthusiast audience sang the Gernikako Arbola along, and demanded an encore from the music band.
The anthem was often rendered in performances by Pablo de Sarasate and Julian Gayarre. It has been called the "Marseillaise of the Basques". The tree has also inspired a passage of La prudencia en la mujer[2] by the Spanish playwright Tirso de Molina and a sonnet of William Wordsworth.[3]
There are versions with four, eight or twelve stanzas. Also, Iparragirre as a bertsolari would introduce changes during his performances.[4]
Original Gipuzkoan text[5] | Text in Standard Basque | English |
Guernicaco arbola Da bedeincatuba Euscaldunen artean Guztiz maitatuba: Eman ta zabaltzazu Munduban frutuba, Adoratzen zaitugu Arbola santuba. |
Gernikako arbola Da bedeinkatua Euskaldunen artean Guztiz maitatua: Eman ta zabal zazu Munduan frutua, Adoratzen zaitugu Arbola santua. |
The Tree of Guernica is blessed among the Basques; absolutely loved. Give and deliver the fruit unto the world. We adore you, holy tree. |
Milla urte inguruda Esaten dutela Jaincoac jarrizubela Guernicaco arbola: Saude bada zutican Orain da dembora, Eroritzen bacera Arras galduguera. |
Mila urte inguru da Esaten dutela Jainkoak jarri zuela Gernikako arbola: Zaude bada zutikan Orain da denbora, Eroritzen bazera Erraz galdu gera. |
About one thousand years, they say, since God planted it, the Guernica tree: Stand, so, now is the time If you fall we will perish easily. |
Etzera erorico Arbola maitea, Baldin portatzen bada Vizcaico juntia: Lauroc artuco degu Surequin partia Paquian bici dedin Euscaldun gendia. |
Ez zara eroriko Arbola maitea, Baldin portatzen bada Bizkaiko juntua: Laurok hartuko dugu Zurekin partea Bakean bizi dedin Euskaldun jentea. |
You will not fall, dear tree, if the Biscay assembly behaves: We four will take your party so that the Basque people live in peace. |
Betico bicidedin Jaunari escatzeco Jarri gaitecen danoc Laster belaunico: Eta biotzetican Escatu esquero Arbola bicico da Orain eta guero. |
Betiko bizi dedin Jaunari eskatzeko Jarri gaitezen denok Laster belauniko: Eta bihotzetikan Eskatu ez gero Arbola biziko da Orain eta gero. |
So that it lives forever, to ask the Lord, let us all kneel down quickly: and from the heart, by asking, the tree will live now and forever. |
Arbola botatzia Dutela pentzatu Euscal erri guztiyan Denac badakigu: Ea bada gendia Dembora orain degu, Erori gabetanic Iruqui biagu. |
Arbola botatzea Dutela pentsatu Euskal Herri guztian Denak badakigu: Ea bada jentea Denbora orain dugu, Erori gabedanik Iruki biagu. |
That they have thought to fell the tree in the Basque Country we all know. So, people, now is the time! We have to hold it up and not let it fall. |
Beti egongocera Uda berricua, Lore ainciñetaco Mancha gabecoa: Erruquisaitez bada Biotz gurecoa, Dembora galdu gabe Emanic frutuba. |
Beti egongo zara Udaberrikoa, Lore aintzinetako Mantxa gabekoa: Erruki zaitez bada Bihotz gurekoa, Denbora galdu gabe Emanik frutua. |
You will always be of spring, without the stain of the flowers of old. Have mercy, you of our heart, losing no time, give fruit. |
Arbolac erantzun du Contuz bicitzeko, Eta biotzetican Jaunari escatzeco: Guerraric nai ez degu Paquea betico, Gure legue zuzenac Emen maitatzeco. |
Arbolak erantzun du Kontuz bizitzeko, Eta bihotzetikan Jaunari eskatzeko: Gerrarik nahi ez dugu Bakea betiko, Gure lege zuzenak Emen maitatzeko. |
The tree answered that we should live carefully and in our hearts ask the Lord: We do not want wars [but] peace forever, to love here our fair laws. |
Erregutu diogun Jaungoico jaunari Paquea emateco Orain eta beti: Bay eta indarrare Cedorren lurrari Eta bendiciyoa Euscal erriyari. |
Erregutu diogun Jaungoiko jaunari Bakea emateko Orain eta beti: Bai eta indarra ere Zetorren lurrari Eta benedizioa Euskal Herriari. |
We ask of the Lord God that he gives us peace, now and forever: and strength as well to His land and the blessing for the Basque land. |
Orain cantaditzagun Laubat bertzo berri Gure provinciaren Alabantzagarri: Alabac esaten du Su garrez beteric Nere biotzecua Eutzico diat nic. |
Orain kanta ditzagun Laubat bertso berri Gure probintziaren Alabantzagarri: Arabak esaten du Sukarriz beterik Nere bihotzekoa Eutsiko diat nik. |
Now let us sing four new verses in praise of our province: Alava says full of fever the one of my heart I will keep. |
Guipúzcoa urrena Arras sentituric Asi da deadarrez Ama Guernicari: Erori etzeitzen Arrimatu neri Zure cendogarriya Emen nacazu ni. |
Gipuzkoa hurrena Arras sentiturik Hasi da deiadarrez Ama Gernikari: Erori etzeitzen Arrimatu niri Zure zendogarria Hemen nazazu ni. |
Gipuzkoa next, very moved, has started with the call to mother Guernica: Do not fall: come near me! Your strengthener you have in me! |
Ostoa verdia eta Zañac ere fresco, Nere seme maiteac Ez naiz erorico: Beartzen banaiz ere Egon beti pronto Nigandican etzayac Itzurerazoco. |
Hostoa berdea eta Zainak ere fresko, Nere seme maiteak Ez naiz eroriko: Behartzen banaiz ere Egon beti pronto Nigandikan etsaiak Itzularaziko. |
The green leaf and the fresh veins, my dear sons, I will not let fall: If I need it to be always ready the enemies around me to force into retreat. |
Guztiz maitagarria Eta oestarguiña Beguiratu gaitzasu Ceruco erreguiña Guerraric gabetanic Bici albaguiña. Oraindaño izandegu Guretzaco diña." |
Guztiz maitagarria Eta ostargina Begiratu gaitzazu Zeruko erregina Gerrarik gabedanik Bizi ahal bagina. Oraindaño izan dugu Guretzako diña." |
Always lovable and sky light, look at us, Queen of Heaven without war so that we can. She has been until now good to us. |
- ↑ Martiaren 20ko 5/2007 Foru-Araua,Bizkaiko Udal Mugarteei buruzko uztailaren 7ko 8/1993 Foru-Arauaren II. kapitulua,Toki-Erakundeen armarri, bandera, zutoihal eta gidoinen gainekoa, aldatzeari buruzkoa (PDF). General Assembly of Biscay. p. 15.
- ↑ La prudencia en la mujer, Acto 1, Tirso de Molina. Referred as the Arbol de Garnica [sic].
- ↑ The Oak of Guernica, William Wordsworth, 1810.
- ↑ Gernikako Arbola véritable hymne basque, French-language paper by Jean Haritschelhar.
- ↑ Guernicaco Arbola, by Jose Maria Iparragirre, Colección de aires vascongados, Ed. Sendoa, Donostia, 1981.