Galerie St. Petri

Galerie St. Petri is a Conceptual art gallery situated in Lund, Sweden. It was opened by Jean Sellem, a French artist who immigrated to Sweden in the 1970s and is a professor of Art history at Lund University.

In the 1970s the gallery called: "Galerie S:t Petri - Archive of Experimental and Marginal Art" quickly became an international Conceptual art and Performance art space, closely collaborating with Fluxus artists - Eric Andersen, Ken Friedman and Tomas Schmit as well as Christian Boltanski, Henck van Dijck, John Fekner, Arne Groh, Jarosław Kozłowski, Yoko Ono, Nam June Paik, Carel Lanters, Endre TÓT, Horst Tress, Jacek Tylicki and Krzysztof Wodiczko among many others.


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