FUDOFSI (French: Fédération Universelle des Ordres, Fraternités et Sociétés Initiatiques), headed by Constant Chevillon (1880–1944), was a federation of independent esoteric orders similar to FUDOSI, but strongly opposed to the other group.


FUDOFSI was established in defense of the Orders of Lyon and other societies that were not involved with FUDOSI. FUDOFSI was strongly opposed to FUDOSI, Harvey Spencer Lewis and his organisation Ancient Mystical Order Rosae Crucis (AMORC). Very little information is known about FUDOFSI since neither the organisation or its leader survived the Second World War (in 1944, Constant Chevillon, the head of FUDOFSI, was murdered by the Gestapo).

First meeting

The first meeting of FUDOFSI took place in Paris in February 1939.

List of people present:

Hans Rudolf Hilfiker-Dunn and Arnoldo Krumm-Heller joined FUDOFSI later.

Organisations represented in the first convention of 1939

The End of FUDOFSI

FUDOFSI ceased to exist at some point during World War II. However, in 1947 some of its members contacted each other and tried to establish a new organisation. Hans-Rudolf Hilfiker and R. Swinburne Clymer (1878–1966) tried to create a Worldwide Alliance of Rosicrucian Orders. In Rio de Janeiro, Clymer successfully merged his organisation with Krumm-Heller's. Hilfiker and Clymer had a meeting on May 7, 1947 and also on June 5, 1948, in Zürich, Switzerland at the hotel Baur au Lac. The Fraternitas Rosae Crucis official biography of Emerson Myron Clymer, son of R. S. Clymer, describes him as Supreme Grand Master of FUDOFSI after his father's death, so it is possible that the Fraternitas Rosae Crucis considers FUDOFSI to have survived later.

See also

External links

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