Expert as a service

Expert-as-a-Service (ExaaS) is an online delivery model of human consulting and/or automated knowledge transfer. Similarly to SaaS (Software as a service) the concept of ExaaS comes from the remote nature of processing data and/or providing service. The user of ExaaS [1] access the service through a webpage, VoiP, IM, etc. or any related mobile app. Typical ExaaS providers are consultants, lawyers, physicians, teachers etc. Biztech Magazine claims that "...Everything as a service...Clouding Will Disrupt the World..."[2] and according to Business2Customers magazine there are "...3 Reasons Why Experts-as-a-Service is the Future of Consulting..."[3]

ExaaS is the general term for newer consulting or expertise based online services like CaaS (Consulting-as-a-Service) or JaaS (Justice-as-a-Service) [4]

CaaS companies or individuals deliver online consulting services (The Consulting-as-a-Service model (CONaaS) by Luke Marson,[5] b2b sales diagnostics by Miklos Kadar,[6] Introducing Executive As A Service by GconnTec [7])

According to BusinessInsider JaaS companies "...Find You Money You Didn't Know You Were Owed..." [8] by providing legal or consumer rights services. And according to Henrik Zillmer "...There’s a new wave of customer empowerment coming..." [4] He lists honourable mentions of JaaS services like Paribus,[9] Airhelp,[10] Fixed,[11] BillFixers,[12] 71lbs [13])


  1. Thiede, Charles (2014-06-17). "3 Reasons Why Experts-as-a-Service is the Future of Consulting". Retrieved 2016-03-31.
  2. Etwaru, Richie (2013-02-21). "Everything as a Service: How Clouding Will Disrupt the World — BizTech". Retrieved 2016-03-31.
  3. Thiede, Charles (2014-06-17). "3 Reasons Why Experts-as-a-Service is the Future of Consulting". Retrieved 2016-03-31.
  4. 1 2 "Justice-as-a-Service". Henrik Zillmer. Retrieved 2016-03-31.
  5. Marson, Luke. "The Consulting-as-a-Service model (CONaaS) | Luke Marson". Retrieved 2016-03-31.
  6. "Instant Sales Checkup Explained". Miklos Kadar. Retrieved 2016-03-31.
  7. "EXaaS – Value Proposition". GconnTec. Retrieved 2016-03-31.
  8. Tech (2014-07-25). "Airhelp and Fixed help you fight airlines and parking tickets". Business Insider. Retrieved 2016-03-31.
  9. Paribus Co. "&nbsp". Retrieved 2016-03-31.
  10. "AirHelp - Get compensation from delayed flights!". Retrieved 2016-03-31.
  11. "Get your ticket and point dismissed". Fixed. Retrieved 2016-03-31.
  12. "BillFixers - We Negotiate Lower Bills For You". BillFixers. Retrieved 31 March 2016.
  13. Jose Li (2016-03-16). "71 Pounds | FedEx & UPS Shipping Refunds for Late Deliveries". Retrieved 2016-03-31.
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