Evangelical Reformed Church (Westminster Confession)

The Evangelical Reformed Church (Westminster Confession) is a small Reformed denomination with 5 congregations [1] in Austria and in Switzerland. It is in part a fruit of the missionary work of the Reformed Churches in the Netherlands (Liberated). In 1984, the first congregation was established in Neuhofen an der Krems, Austria.[2] In 1998, a congregation was founded in Rankweil,[3] followed later in 2005 in Winterthur, in 2008 Basel, and in 2009 the bilingual (German and English) Vienna congregation New City Wien[4] was started with the help of World Harvest Mission/Serge.[5] Total membership is around 150. Some churches in the denomination receive financial support from the Dutch organization SSRO.[6] The Westminster Confession (1647) is the doctrinal basis of the denomination, together with the Heidelberg Catechism.[7][8]

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