Estonian House

Celebration of Estonian Independence Day at the Sydney Estonian House.
Mart Sander performing at the London Estonian House.
New York Estonian House

An Estonian House (Estonian: Eesti Maja) is a center of Estonian culture, usually overseas. Numerous Estonian Houses were set up after the Soviet occupation of Estonia led to tens of thousands of Estonian people fleeing the war and the occupation and settling overseas.


On 30 May 2009, the London Estonian House opened Estonian School in London, a volunteer-supported Estonian language school teaching based on Estonian curricula employing fully qualified teachers with teaching experience from Estonian comprehensive and high schools.[1]

New York

New York Estonian House was bought in 1946 by Estonian-Americans. It is located at 243 East 34th Street in the Kips Bay neighborhood on Manhattan. It houses a number of Estonian organizations such as the New York Estonian School, the editorial office of Estonian language newspaper Vaba Eesti Sõna, choruses for men and women and a folk dancing group.


The Toronto Estonian House was purchased on April 1, 1960. The house is located at 958 Broadview Avenue, in what was the Chester Public School house, built in 1891. Two additions were built, the first in 1963, when a 400 seat hall was built at the rear of the building, and the second in 1976, when a four storey facade was constructed.[2] It houses a number of Estonian organizations such as the Toronto Estonian School, the Toronto Estonian scout troop Kalev, the Põhjala Tütred Guides, the Estonian Toronto Credit Union, Heinsoo Insurance, the Estonian Central Council in Canada, choruses for men and women and a folk dancing group, and the Estonian Consulate in Toronto.

External links


  1. Postimees 31 May 2009 14:50: Londonis avati Eesti Kool
  2. Kadakas, Kalle. "Toronto's Estonian House - 50 enthusiastic years! Part III". Estonian World Review. Eesti Elu. Retrieved 24 February 2015.
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