Daigo (dairy product)

Daigo (醍醐) was a type of dairy product made in Japan during the 10th century.[1]


The first mention of this word was in Nirvana Sutra. [2]

譬如從牛出乳 從乳出酪 從酪出生蘇 從生蘇出熟蘇 從熟蘇出醍醐 醍醐最上
From cows to fresh milk; fresh milk to cream; cream to curdled milk; curdled milk to butter; butter to ghee (daigo). Daigo is the best. - Nirvana Sutra

This is the origin of the word, daigo-mi (醍醐味), which means a superb flavor.[1] Emperor Daigo encouraged the production of so and other cheese-like products. His name origin is thought to be based on the above text. [1] Daigo is thought to have come from China, but it is no longer made in either China or Japan.


See also

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