Charles Catteau

Charles Catteau
Born 26 January 1880
Douai, France
Died 20 October 1966
Nice, France
Nationality French
Education Alexandre Sandier
Théodore Deck
Known for Ceramics
Movement Art Déco
Awards Gold medal of the Exhibition of Decorative and Industrial Arts (Paris, 1925)

Charles Catteau (26 January 1880, Douai 20 October 1966, Nice) was a French Art Déco industrial designer.


Born at Douai, Charles Catteau trained at the National Ceramics School in Sèvres and followed a training course at the National Porcelain Factory in the same town. In 1904, Catteau was hired by the German Nymphenburg Porcelain Factory, near Munich.

In December 1906 he moved to La Louvière with his small family and started to work for Boch Frères Keramis, a Belgian earthenware factory located in La Louvière since the 19th Century. It is unclear whether Anna Boch introduced Catteau into the La Louvière factory. The two artists knew each other since Munich. Catteau immediately became a member of Anna Boch's "Kring Der Vrienden Der Schone Kunsten" (= Circle of Friends of The Fine Arts).

In 1907 he was appointed head of the Decoration Department and Workshop of Imaginative Design, where he remained until 1948. He died at Nice in 1966.


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