
EP by Oi Polloi
Released 2003
Genre Anarcho punk
Label Nikt Nic Nie Wie

Carson? is an EP-length vinyl record by the Gaelic punk group Oi Polloi.[1] This release is significant as it is the first album of all-original rock songs in Scottish Gaelic, beating the EP CD, Ceàrr, by Mill a h-Uile Rud, to release by one month. Runrig's first album, Play Gaelic, was also all in Gaelic, but several of the tunes were rock re-workings of traditional songs. "Carson?" is Scottish Gaelic for "Why?", and the title track features an extended excerpt from a BBC radio interview with the Gaelic poet, Sorley MacLean, where the poet discussed the suppression of the Gaelic language.

Track listing

  1. "Carson" (3:20)
  2. "An Drochaid Thoraidh" (2:43)
  3. "Cumhachd Niuclach? Cha Ghabh Idir!" (2:36)


  1. An dà chòmhlan punc a tha a' seinn sa Ghàidhlig. The Scotsman (03-19-05)

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