CHI Records

CHI Records Is a small record label that is situated in London, but has other studios around the United Kingdom. CHI Records was founded in 1998 by Italian businessman, Mario Felipe. But CHI is now owned and run by brothers and business partners James and Spencer Durham. Spencer, who was born on October 7, 1966, is two days older than his brother James. After winning the lottery, Spencer bought CHI Records of Felipe for an undisclosed figure. Now, although one of the smaller labels, CHI have been linked with stars such as; Oasis, Green Day, Ellie Goulding, Gorillaz and many others.

CHI Records are known in the recording industry for "spotting young talent", and this is what they have worked on for the past few years.

In 2002, James Durham sold his share of CHI to his brother, hoping to buy Dagenham & Redbridge F.C.. But the deal fell through, and half a year later, Spencer Durham sold half of CHI back to his brother for around 3.2 million pounds.

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