The Bukumiri are an extinct tribe of non-Slavic[1] origin whose members populated parts of modern-day Montenegro. Together with other non-Slavic tribes of the region, since 6th century they were overwhelmed by Slavs who assimilated them but kept their name.[2] Initially they were either Illyrians or Vlachs.[3]
There are different hypothesis about etymology of Bukumiri. According to one of them, their name was derived from Albanian language (Albanian: buke means bread while Albanian: mire means good), which is also an indication of their wealth.[4]
According to legends, Španji are the most ancient tribe in this region, while other tribes (Mataruge, Kriči, Bukumiri...) were actually parts of Španje tribe.[5]
The Bukumiri lived in the region of Bratonožići tribe.[6] For some reason they were despised by members of other tribes who refused to marry Bukumiri women.[6] Over the time, they were assimilated by Bratonožići or extinct.[6]
- ↑ Rudić 1978, p. 54: "Из овога се може извести закључак да Букумири нису словенског порекла него су староседиоци Балканског полуострва. "
- ↑ Vukanović 1974, p. 237.
- ↑ Вукмановић 1960, p. 61.
- ↑ Bukumirić 2007, p. 37.
- ↑ GZM 1977, p. 20.
- 1 2 3 Vukanović 1974, p. 233.
- GZM (1977). Glasnik Zemaljskog muzeja Bosne i Hercegovine u Sarajevu..: Bulletin du Musée de la République Socialiste de Bosnie- Herzégovine à Sarajevo. Etnologija.
- Rudić, Vuǰadin B. (1978). Population de Toplica. Etnografski institut SANU.
- Vukanović, Tatomir (1974). Vranjski glasnik.
Bukumirić, Mileta (2007). Život Srba u Goraždevcu. Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti, Etnografski institut.
Вукмановић, Jован (1960). Паштровићи: антропогеографско-етнолошка испитивања. Obod.