Badge of Honour for Fire Protection

The first rank of the Badge, the Medal for Fire Protection

The Badge of Honour for Fire Protection (German: Brandschutzehrenzeichen) is an award of the Free State of Thuringia for extraordinary commitment given to members of fire brigades in five ranks.

Rank German Reason
Medal for Fire Protection on Ribbon Brandschutzmedaille am Bande 10 years of true duty or benefits for fire protection
Silver Badge of Honour on Ribbon Silbernes Brandschutzehrenzeichen am Bande 25 years of true duty or special benefits for fire protection
Golden Badge of Honour on Ribbon Goldenes Brandschutzehrenzeichen am Bande 40 years of true duty or outstanding benefits for fire protection
Silver Cross for Fire Protection Silbernes Brandschutzehrenzeichen als Steckkreuz Extraordinary benefits for fire protection
Golden Cross for Fire Protection Goldenes Brandschutzehrenzeichen als Steckkreuz For brave behaviour on duty by danger of life
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