Ariel Stone

Ariel Stone, also called C. Ariel Stone, is the first American Reform rabbi to lead a congregation in the former Soviet Union, and the first liberal rabbi in Ukraine.[1][2][3] She worked as a rabbi in Ukraine from 1993 until 1994, leaving her former job at the Temple of Israel in Miami.[4][5][6] While in Ukraine she was a rabbi at Congregation HaTikvah in Kiev, and helped in creating progressive congregations in Ukraine.[7][8]

Stone has a master's degree in Hebrew Letters, and was awarded a Doctor of Jewish Studies degree from Spertus Institute for Jewish Learning and Leadership in Chicago in 2010.[9] As of 2007, she serves as adjunct faculty in the Religious Studies departments of Willamette University of Salem, Oregon, and Portland State University in Oregon.[10] From 2007 until 2009 she was President of the Oregon Board of Rabbis.[11]


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