Anti-PowerPoint Party

Anti PowerPoint Party
German name Anti PowerPoint Partei
French and Italian name Parti Anti PowerPoint
President Matthias Poehm
Founder Matthias Poehm
Founded 2011
Headquarters Bonstetten, Switzerland
Ideology Opposition to presentation software
Slogan Finally do something!
Anti PowerPoint Party

The Anti PowerPoint Party (APPP) is a Swiss political party dedicated to decreasing professional use of Microsoft PowerPoint and other presentation software, which the party claims "causes national-economic damage amounting to 2.1 billion CHF" and lowers the quality of a presentation in "95 % of the cases".[1] The party advocates flip charts as an alternative to presentation software.[2]

APPP was formed by former software engineer Matthias Poehm ahead of the 2011 federal elections in Switzerland.[3] The party's goal is to become the fourth largest party in Switzerland in terms of membership, and to initiate a national "referendum in order to seek for a prohibition of PowerPoint [and other presentation software] during presentations."[1] APPP states that it does not support prohibition, but will use a referendum to raise awareness about the cause.[1]


  1. 1 2 3 "The Cause". Anti PowerPoint Party. Retrieved September 2, 2011.
  2. Matyszczyk, Chris (July 5, 2011). "Swiss political party tries to ban PowerPoint". CNET. Retrieved September 2, 2011.
  3. Bindel, Julie (August 28, 2011). "The political party that wants to ban PowerPoint". The Guardian. Retrieved September 2, 2011.

External links

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