319 Dark Street

A panel of 319 Dark Street

319 Dark Street is a webcomic written and drawn by David Wade. It began in June 2004 and concluded in 2015. The website of 319 Dark Street has since become unavailable, but the entire strip appears to be available on Facebook. The story follows Amanda "The bitch with a bob" Kayne, a former boxer who must deal with multiple attempts on her life.[1] The webcomic is known for having a strong film noir ambiance and features multiple instances of dark humor.[2][3]


In 319 Dark Street, protagonist Amanda Kayne is being stalked by hitmen after refusing to take a loss in her last fight. As a further complication, she has to reside in a decrepit building in the fictional Michigan city of Middlebay as a condition for inheriting her uncle's fortune. Amanda spends her time fending off attackers while wise-cracking with her black cat and making a living singing in a jazz quartet. 319 Dark Street features a strong film noir ambiance and its characters make frequent use of dark humor.[3]


In 2008, David Wade was a featured guest at I-CON[4] and in 2010, 319 Dark Street was nominated for an award in the category "Outstanding Use Of Color" by the webcomic hosting website Comic Genesis.[5]


  1. "Comixpedia.com". Retrieved 2010-03-12.
  2. "The Peoria Pundit". Retrieved 2010-03-04.
  3. 1 2 Zabel, Joe. "319 Dark Street Snapshot". The Webcomics Examiner. Archived from the original on 2005-03-16.
  4. "Comics Programming David Wade". iconsf.org. 2009.
  5. "Comic Genesis 2008 Nomination Overview, Part 2". Retrieved 2010-03-12.

External links

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